
E-Cell IIT-Madras

BSG Logo
Imarticus Learning


Business Simulation Game - StratUp
Play, Strategize and Win!

Registartions Closed

Registration Deadline: 02-04-2023, Sunday 11:59 PM.

Access the handbook and recording of orientation session from hereCLICK

What is Business Simulation Game - StratUp?

"BSG - StratUp" is an event that brings forth your business acumen, strategizing skills, and market intuition and incorporates them in the form of an online game format. The players will have to play in the game like they have to survive and maintain their company in an actual real-life market situation.

Our Vision

The vision of StratUp is to test players’ thinking skills and how creatively they can employ and implement it in a simulated environment. They will have to analyze and understand the given situation and devise an effective solution and strategy to solve it, all in a fun and interactive way.

Why participate?

Prize Money

Total prize pool of INR 20K

Official Certificate

Get Official Certificates from E-Cell IIT Madras for all participants and winners

Analytical Skills

Players will have to analyze the given situation and figure out the best move.


Participants will have to think and come up with out of the box ideas to advance successfully in the game.

Decision Making

Players will have to make difficult decisions which will ultimately have an impact on their firm.


Players will gain an understanding of how such firms work, and what is the role performed by each branch in the same.


Anyone with an interest in entrepreneurship, management, or business is eligible to participate. There is no restriction in terms of education or age.



22nd March, Tuesday

Registration Deadline

2nd April, Sunday


4th April, Tuesday

Competition commences

5th April, Wednesday

Final Results

9th April, Sunday


Is it a team or individual event?


How will the game be conducted?


What will the rules of the game be?


Are there any pre-requisites for participation?


Contact Us


+91 6375721674 Anupama

+91 9911861595 Aksh